Monday, February 6, 2012

My cutie patootie baby

Hello all!

So I had every intention this past weekend to take tons of pictures with the kids. The only thing I managed to get in was a little 5 month photo shoot with Tenley. So the blog tonight will be short and sweet. I had no idea we had such a busy weekend planned. I also figured out how crazy and very inconvenient it is to go over to other peoples houses with a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I think we will go back to having the occasional get together at our house and living like recluses.

Before you look at the pictures I took let me just give you a little glimpse into what it took to get them. We found the address to this great park I heard about and instead ended up lost in the ghetto. We finally got to the park only to discover it wasn't what I had invisioned for my pictures. When we picked a spot to shoot Tenley was super fussy and had a massive dirty diaper. After changing her and getting her outfit on she decided she was hungry and sleepy.. Ofcourse we didn't bring a bottle. Plus I didn't even think about the fact she had gotten her shots the day before, duhhh. So Tenley smiled maybe a whopping 5 times the entire time we were out there.. hence all the serious faces she is giving. I still think they turned out pretty good considering all of this..
Also.. I am putting up all 17 that I edited because I really don't think I can pick just a few favorites. I like something in all of them. Plus she is so stinkin cute who doesn't want to look at 17 pictures of her!?

Well it's taco night at the Gilmore House so I'm off to get it started, Lawd help me! I hope everybody has a fantastic week!


  1. Hi Kristin! I'm a friend of Katie's up in Ohio. Found your blog on one of her top ten's. Great title!! Beautiful Pictures! Hilarious "Things Kristin Says." Good luck with your blog!

    Leah Koenig,

  2. Thanks so much!! Katie has told me about you.. And I saw the pictures she took of your beautiful family! By the way, your blog is awesome!
