Monday, April 2, 2012


So once again I'm behind on blogging! The last couple of weeks have been super busy and stressful!

My parents came to visit (and babysit) recently while Jared and I had a much needed weekend getaway. We went to Callaway Gardens and it was so amazingly pretty! I can't believe we have lived here for this long and have never been there! We went kayaking and also did this thing called the Tree Top Adventure while we were there. It's too bad we don't have pictures from it.. They would have been pretty entertaining. Let's just say that balancing and crossing over tiny wooden planks through the tree tops for over 2 hours is NOT what I consider fun anymore! They did, however, have really cool things to see. We can't wait to go back on the weekends and take the kids.

So after that nice weekend we received disappointing news. The Drill Sgt. job we were hoping for went out the window. That was pretty unexpected. A few days after that terrible news he was given a heads up that he could come down on orders any time now. Even more terrible news! I'm not really sure why this came as a shock. I think I've just been in denial about that happening since we got here. Ofcourse being woken up to a phone call at 9 in the morning saying "Hey we might get stationed in New York, Germany, or Texas... is there one that you prefer?" is not the best way to be reminded. I had small panic attacks all week just waiting to hear we were put down on orders for Germany or Korea. We made it through and are now in the process of finding out if there is an instructor job available for him here. We should find out something this week! In the meantime let's just hope we don't get orders! This also explains why I titled this "ALOHA". If we can't find any position here for us to stay then obviously we will have to move. We have been talking about a few different places to choose from and Hawaii is one of them. Who wouldn't want to live in Hawaii for a few years? Ofcourse this is just something we would consider.. but it's definitely on the list!

On a funnier note.. It's Brady story time! He is now officially in his big boy bed and there is no turning back this time! The first incident was Saturday afternoon. We were taking our usual nap when all of a sudden I woke up to Brady talking. I thought that was strange since we usually can't hear him that well from our room. I walked out of our bedroom and saw that Tenley's door was open. I looked inside to find Brady jumping up and down in Tenley's crib while she was just laying there giggling. He had also brought some of his toys in there for them to play with. Thoughtful, I guess? I went into his room expecting the worst but all he had done was dump an entire bottle of baby powder into his tent.. I'll take that any day over markers on the wall!

So that night before his bedtime we went into his room to "Brady proof" it and take out his crib. I was vacuuming, Jared was cleaning and Brady was running around playing. Next thing I know.. Jared was shaking and beating on the door yelling "Brady let us out!" Yep. Our 2 year old locked us in his bedroom. Thank goodness Jared had one of his friends over that night or else he would have been scaling the 2 story wall. His friend told us that when he came inside he saw Brady jumping up and down on the couch with a look like "I didn't do it". I think we are in for it with him! He certainly is entertaining.. I'll give him that.

I'm also aware that I haven't taken any pictures lately. Easter is coming though and Brady is now old enough for an easter egg hunt! There will definitely be lots of pictures taken this weekend!

On that note, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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